Friday, June 27, 2008


Going Home
Originally uploaded by Juju T
It's Friday, the end of the working week, and I am looking forward to a nice weekend with the bf. Winter, as you know has arrived and the wind really starts to bite at you when you're out walking. I haven't put up as many pictures as I'd like on Flickr but hopefully we'll go out and take some nice pictures this weekend.
I was initially going to try to buy an entertainment unit but at around $400 or more, I can't really afford it as yet. This is what happens when you move 3 times in the last 2 years. Why do I want one, well first to stop using the dining table as one, so I can actually invite friends over for dinner, and secondly to set up my DJ gear. I've been aching to compile a new cd for ages but because the gear isn't set up, it's kinda hard to make that happen. But I guess, good things come to those who wait.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Winter is here

Foggy Morning
Originally uploaded by Juju T
It's not too cold as yet, but it's really rainy. The closet in my apartment looks like it's having issues with letting outside moisture in, resulting in moldy coats. Not good. I really need to think of something more interesting to write about. but writing the blog at work, isn't very inspirational.