Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas Holidays so far

Coogee Baths
Originally uploaded by Juju T
Had a wonderful Christmas with the bf. I got a lovely french cookbook which I'd been eyeing for a while. Now I just have to try out the recipes... Oooh la la...
The days have been nice and lazy. I guess it's nice to be on holidays for three weeks and I plan to make each day eventful and fun. I have been spending the last couple of days swimming at various different baths (sea pools).
Today, I went to the Wiley Baths at Coogee. The water was initially cold to get into, but once you're in, it's wonderfully salty and crisp. I found swimming in the sea pool very refreshing and somehow rejuvenating. Only three more days to the new year!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas
Originally uploaded by Juju T
Peace and goodwill to all men....

Monday, November 12, 2007

Right Ankle Sprain

Originally uploaded by Juju T
I hate my ankles sometimes. In january, I managed to twist my left ankle. This time, I managed to injure my right one. I don't know exactly how I did it, but it must have something to do with gym. I haven't been going to the gym as much as I did. And I didn't warm up my ankles, as I thought just doing the cross trainers would be sufficient as a warmup. I was fine all saturday and sunday I even went for a swim. Come Monday, I had to go on site... and I was hobbling and limping as my ankle started to ache really badly. Tuesday, I have been staying at home since I could not put any weight on it and my foot was very swollen. I must have sprained it. there was no sudden trauma like a missed footstep or something. But nonetheless, I was in severe pain last week.
This week, much of the swelling is gone down. However whenever I put weight on my right ankle, it feels unstable and the ankle hurts. It's hurting a bit now but I've put on a strong brace for it. It's a bit tight but it seems to be keeping everything where it should.
Luckily, I am able to work from home. The benefits of being in IT. However, some days last week I just want to take the day off. I hope I will be fine and dandy by next week.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Chicken & Almond Pilaf

Chicken & Almond Pilaf
Originally uploaded by Juju T
I felt like something different from the normal stuff I always cook. So I thought I'd try the recipe below:


Baharat (Spice Mix) 1 tablespoon (Smells a bit like Garam Masala)
700g Boneless Skiness Chicken cut into strips
400g Basmati Rice
750 ml (3 cups) chicken stock
2 tablespoons of butter
1 large onion chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1 teaspoon ground tumeric
400 g tinned tomatoes
1 cinnamon stick
4 cardomom pods, bruised
4 whole cloves
1/4 teaspoon lemon zest
3 tablespoons of chopped coriander (cilantro) leaves
2 teaspoons of lemon juice
40g (1/3 cup) of slivered almonds
40g (1/3 cup) of sultanas

Combined the chicken and baharat in a large bowl and marinate in the fridge for an hour.
Bring stock to a boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat and keep at low simmer.
Heat Butter in a large heavy based saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and cook for 5 minutes or until golden and soft. Then add the chicken and tumeric and cook for another 5 minutes or until browned. Add the rice and cook so that the rice is covered with the aromatic butter and onion for about 2 minutes.
Add the tomatoes, simmering stock, cinnamon stick, cardamom pods, cloves, lemon zest, and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir well and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and cover with a tight fitting lid. Simmer for 20 minutes or until the stock is absorbed and the rice is cooked. Remove from the heat and allow to stand for 10 minutes.
Stir in Coriander, lemon juice, almonds and sultanas. Season to taste... and EAT!
Serves 4 to 6.....

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Originally uploaded by MatthewA
Not only do I love his photography, I love his food articles as well.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Photography vs DJing

Orange, Blue and Red
Originally uploaded by Juju T
I've spent the last couple of weeks hanging with my apple of my eye, MBR and so far it's been really swell. It's really nice to be dating someone special. Anyway we've spent a lot of time taking photos which is great but I do miss DJing. I'll be flying up to Ballina to play at a private party this weekend and I am looking forward to it. The only thing I'll miss is MBR ;-) Anyway, I guess I should get off my lazy arse and do that mix cd that I have been talking about for months....

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Colonial State Ad

I was at a party when I first heard about the ad. My friend Mark did a fantastic interpretation of the ad and I was in stitches. The next couple of days, whenever I thought about it, I had a quick giggle to myself. Finally a few days ago, Lisa emailed me the ad and I was in stitches again, this time, AT WORK! ;-)

Monday, July 23, 2007

Green Light - (Freemasons Radio Mix) - Beyonce

Beyonce's so hot right now! Love the new remix by the freemasons. Might put that into a new mix cd...

Photoshopping Madness

I had a great weekend. Started off Friday at home watching DVDs. (Working Girl and Dangerous Minds). Saturday, hung out with Mark R. and went to the Glebe Markets. I didn't buy anything but I do love the markets. There was a poor lady who lost the kid she was minding, but luckily she managed to find him and vowed never to let him go the rest of the day... Anyway, I've learnt quite a few photoshop tricks and was playing around with it later on Sunday. Check out the pictures on my flickr

Then I met friends out for a drinks and dinner and didn't get home till 2 am... I got pretty tipsy but if I can remember the ride home, I guess I wasn't that drunk now, was I? ;-)

Sunday was spent quietly at home.. playing on the computer... until a power failure happened on marrickville and we were plunged into darkness... Just as I was starting to cook dinner! It was interesting to see the entire suburb in darkness. People lighting candles. It shows how dependant we are on electricity. Speaking of which, I should get a torch.

I was going to mix a cd.... but I haven't got around to it. I do like Beyonce's new song Green Light remixed by the Freemasons! Excellent opening track....It's has a great lyric. Basically it's telling the one you love, that the light is green , let's proceed with our love (If you want to, you've got the green light. You're holding up traffic, GREEN MEANS GO!). If you're not interested, you've got the green light. You're holding up traffic, GREEN MEANS GO!!!!

Monday, July 16, 2007

First DSLR Photo Shoot

Originally uploaded by Juju T
I do like going out on friday nights. You can go out all night and have Saturday and Sunday to recover. Sort of having a long weekend anyway!

On Sunday, my friend Mark and I went down early (9 am) to Circular Quay and the surrounding areas to take photos. He very generously lent me his Canon 400D SLR and I happily took shots of everything I liked. I do like shooting with the SLR. Obviously it's way better than my ultra compact. But it's a big thing to lug around. Even so, I found it really light and was very happy to play photographer.

Monday, July 9, 2007

Sunday Night

I met up with David and Mark at the Forrester's Bar in Surry Hills for David's birthday drinks. It was nice until someone I didn't like got all drunk and aggressive. He must realise that he's a real pain when he gets drunk because he doesn't do it when his mother is around. He's on his best behaviour.
We went to the shift, which was really nice since no one was allowed to smoke anymore inside, and later moseyed down to Manacle, where Jbear was doing some country music gig. It was fun but I was more in the mood for some house music. Then we ended up at Arq (Yes, Monday morning, how tragic) And I cannot believe it but I've lost my phone! Oh My Gawd-Father! I've lodged a claim as I had it insured but I'd have to pay for the excess. More $$$. Yeesh

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Roasted Chicken Pumpkin Risotto

Roasted Chicken Pumpkin Risotto
Originally uploaded by Juju T
It was a cold winter's night, so I had to run over to the grocery store to get food, and I thought, "Dang, it's a good night for risotto"

So here's my recipe,

1 Chicken Breast (Cut up into strips)
1 kg of pumpkin (seeded and chopped into pieces)
1 Leek (white part only)
Garlic (whole)
Arborio Rice (1.5 cups)
Chicken Stock (1.5 litres)
White Wine (1 cup)
Parmesan Cheese (to taste)
Olive Oil
Italian Herbs

On a small pot, bring chicken stock up to a simmer....

Put chicken, garlic and pumpkin in a roasting pan and drizzle with olive oil and italian herbs (or fresh herbs if you have some, rosemary is good). Put in a 180 degree celcius oven for about 40 minutes while you make the risotto.

Put the butter (1 tsp) and olive oil (1 tbsp) in a pot on medium heat. (The oil prevents the butter from burning, thanks Nigella) Then put in the leek and cook down to a pale green colour. Then put the rice in and let it get slicked with the vegetable butter.

Then put a cup of white wine into the rice and stir. (You have to wait till the rice has absorbed the wine before adding the next ladle of liquid). After that add another ladle of stock and keep stirring until the rice absorbs most of the liquid. Repeat and stir for about 4 ladles. Then you can add more stock without stirring too much. (Just make sure the rice doesn't catch at the bottom of the pan)

After about 20 minutes and most of the stock is used, taste to see if it's "al dente" (as the italians like it., it's a matter of taste actually). Once the rice is ready, get the roasting tin out. Fish out the garlic from their skins, and mash them in a seperate bowl.

Finally, mix the garlic mash (add as little or as much as you want), roasted chicken and pumpkin into the rice. Top with parmesan, seasoning and parsley. And serve!

Makes about 4 portions. or 2 GREEDY Portions!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Miss Cleo vs. Milan

Oh my GAWD, Miss Cleo's a beeyatch!!!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I YouTube..

I thought I'd supplement my blog with a video blog on Youtube. (Goodness, I am really spending way too much time on the internet.) I thought it'd be fun to actually record videos of me rambling. Might have to do one when I'm drunk or something. I haven't loaded anything up as yet but I have subscribed to Jeremy Lucido's channel as I find him hilarious and amazingly cute too. Especially this one with him and his friends quite drunk and VERY Funny ! But this one which stood out for me as it's very honest in a kind of lamenting sad way.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Being by myself = SHOPPING!

Ok, ok. I admit, I love my shopping. But this weekend, I went out to Broadway Shopping Centre, and somehow I had a little (read BIG) moment(s) of extravagance. I bought a 16 piece drinking glass set and... A NEW SEXY BLACK MOTOROLA PHONE!

I really like the slide out bit of the phone. It's very "Matrix" like and I kinda feel like Neo.... Now all I need is a really cool black jacket of sorts....

It was also a weekend of meeting a new friend, brockwell: (a fellow photographer whose work is fantastic) and bumping into an old one :-)

Today, Donna came over to load songs into her new ipod. She was really excited about being so "High Tech" now :-) We stayed at home and Alison joined us and we watched Fantastic Four on DVD. I can't wait to see the new Fantastic Four and Transformers movie!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Washed Phone and Famous Amos

I was looking for my phone this morning, only to find it in the wash... Damned. It was a nice phone too. Maybe it'll work once it dries out... I doubt it would. At least I managed to find the only Famous Amos Cookie Outlet here in sydney! and it's in Chatswood Chase. I was having lunch with my colleague yesterday, who also worked in singapore. and I came across a familiar smell.... then I realised it was the famous amos cookies! We rushed down and bought a couple of bags. And for some reason, after downing a few of them, I don't feel as bad about the phone.......

It's late, and I'm about to go to bed

Been a real busy day today. I do like going out to customers but it's pretty mentally exhausting. Luckily, I had a colleague with me and it made the impossible task..much more manageble.

Had to rush back as my managing director's last day was today, so I was glad to farewell him.

Had a quick chat to sis, and suddenly she said, "it's better to be lonely, than be stuck in a relationship which isn't working..." . And that is something I have to remind myself daily. I am open to meeting new people and I look forward to expanding my circle of friends and learning more about myself and life. I feel good about 80% of the time. Which is more than I can say a couple of months ago. Life's good. and I am here... :-) Peace all!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Goal of the Journey

I've read this , believe or not on someone's profile on bear411. I thought it was quite good so here it is...

When you're committed to a journey of a thousand miles, a few steps in the wrong direction can't possibly bring you down. But if you have no overall direction, each negative step can be devastating.

If the little things are constantly bringing you down, that's a sign that the big things aren't compelling enough. If the minor annoyances seem like major setbacks, then work on looking beyond them.

There is some purpose that will lift you above whatever setbacks may come. There is some purpose that will compel you to a positive action, even when the circumstances of the moment work against you.

There is some reason you want what you want. There is some desire that drives all of your desires.

Look beneath the surface of your day-to-day life and ask why. Dig deeply and discover the rich, special purpose that makes you who you are.

Focus your attention on the goal of the journey. And you'll hardly even notice the detours along the way.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Feeling better?

It's been a while since I've blogged. I guess I got out of the habit but I think I am ready to start again. I've had a real epiphany about myself. I am not as bad off as I thought I am. And there's so much to life now. It took me a while, but I guess if I shelve finding a partner and concentrate on meeting new people, and seeing who's out there. Maybe one day, I'll bump into him. I still have my values, beliefs, and all that stuff. I'm not doing too bad at all. :-)

Work's been pretty smooth sailing and they are getting me out to more clients. Getting more exposure I guess. It's daunting but exciting at the same time. I am sure it'll all work out.

Planning to go to NZ with sis in the end of the year.

Also want to buy a DSLR. Goodness, where am I going to find the money?

I've been asked to DJ at sandy's place in august. So that will be fun. They are flying me up to Ballina.

I've also been asked to photograph a guy. Hrm. that would be interesting. Hopefully, I can do a good job.

I'd Promise to write soon.....

wink wink ;-)